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STEMCELL Technologies ImmunoCult ImmunoCult Human B Cell Expansion Kit

  • 研究用

ImmunoCult™ Human B Cell Expansion Kit(ST-100-0645)は、ヒトB細胞の一貫した活性化と増殖、および形質細胞への成熟を保証します。血清や専用プレート、あるいは煩雑なフィーダー細胞を使用せず、わずか1週間以内の培養でB細胞を回収できます。これらのB細胞は、そのまま下流のアッセイやアプリケーションに使用可能です。
本キットはImmunoCult™-XF B Cell Base Medium(ST-100-0646)とImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement(ST-10974)から構成されています。各構成品は個別に購入いただくこともできます。


2018/05/14 12:00の製品情報




ImmunoCult™ Human B Cell Expansion Kitをもちいて、無血清条件下でB細胞を効率よく増殖および成熟化できます!

  • ヒトB細胞のin vitroでの増殖を、血清やフィーダー細胞、専用プレートを使用せずに実施できます
  • 無血清かつゼノフリーの培地、および動物性成分不使用のサプリメントで構成されています



Figure 1. Expansion and Maturation of Human B Cells with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement
B cells isolated from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Pan-B Cell Enrichment Kit (ST-19554) were seeded at 1 x 10^5 cells/well in 24-well tissue culture plates with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement and ImmunoCult™-XF B Cell Base Medium included in the ImmunoCult™ Human B Cell Expansion Kit. The cells were passaged every 3 - 4 days. (A) Fold expansion of viable cells is shown for n = 12 donors, with bars representing the mean and 95% confidence level (range 38- to 1190-fold at day 14 ± 1 day). (B) Expression of CD138 and CD20 was analyzed by flow cytometry at each timepoint (data represent % positive viable cells; mean ± 1 SD). The observed changes indicate maturation of B cells to plasma cells/blasts.


Figure 2. Light Microscopy Image of Cultured Human B Cells
B cells isolated from human PBMCs (leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Pan-B Cell Enrichment Kit were seeded at 1 x 10^5 cells/well in a 24-well tissue culture plate and cultured with the ImmunoCult™ Human B Cell Expansion Kit. The cells were passaged on day 4 after seeding and imaged at 40X magnification on day 6.


Figure 3. Expansion and Viability of Human Memory B Cells Cultured with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement
Memory B cells were isolated from human PBMCs (leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Memory B Cell Isolation Kit and were seeded at 0.5 x 10^5 cells/well in 48-well tissue culture plates and cultured with the ImmunoCult™ Human B Cell Expansion Kit. The cells were passaged every 2 - 4 days and the fold expansion of viable cells (A) and cell viability (B) were calculated at each timepoint. Data represent the mean ± 1 SD of triplicate cultures for the same donor.


Figure 4. Expansion and Viability of Human Naive B Cells Cultured with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement
Naïve B cells were isolated from human PBMCs (leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Memory B Cell Isolation Kit and were seeded at 0.5 x 10^5 cells/well in 48-well tissue culture plates and cultured with the ImmunoCult™ Human B Cell Expansion Kit. The cells were passaged every 2 - 4 days and the fold expansion of viable cells (A) and cell viability (B) were calculated at each timepoint. Data represent the mean ± 1 SD of triplicate cultures for the same donor.


Figure 5. Expansion of Human Pan-B Cells Cultured with Various Base Media Supplemented with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement or 10% FBS
Pan-B cells were isolated from human PBMCs (Leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Pan-B Cell Enrichment Kit and seeded at 1 x 10^5 cells/well in 24-well tissue culture plates with various base media supplemented with either ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement or 10% FBS. The cells were passaged every 3 - 4 days and the fold expansion of viable cells was calculated at each time point. Data represent the mean + 1SD for n = 3 donors (each culture condition was performed in triplicate).




毒 毒物及び劇物取締法の「毒物」(法第2条別表第1)を含む製品です。
劇 毒物及び劇物取締法の「劇物」(法第2条別表第2)を含む製品です。
カ 「遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等の規制による生物の多様性の確保に関する法律」(通称カルタヘナ法)の使用規制対象となる製品です。 ご使用に際しては規制に即し適切にお取り扱いください。
労 労働安全衛生法の「名称等を表示すべき危険物及び有害物」(法第57条)、あるいは「名称等を通知すべき危険物及び有害物」(法第57条第2項)を含む製品です。
向 麻薬及び向精神薬取締法の「麻薬向精神薬原料」(法第2条の7、別表第4)を含む製品です。